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User Profile For Drackar  
Comments Posted: 6
Favourites: 74
Profile Images Posted: 0
Comic Synopses Posted: 2
Below is a list of comments made by Drackar, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: General Protection Fault 4/5
I can\'t believe this is so far down the list. One of the, if not the longest webcomic I know of that is actually GOOD.

Classic scifi with a pro-independence streak and a never-ending run of good plot and better humor.
Comic: Crimson Dark 5/5
quite good...Augmentation, corruption, war, and hot cgi boobies.
Comic: Galaxion 5/5
It\'s a alter-earth ship, shaped like a shell. Nothing about this is a bad thing.
Comic: The End 4/5
Not bad...Saw \"chapter five\" and got all excited. Turns out the \"chapters\" are about eight pages each, so it\'s only about 40-50 pages in.
Comic: Outsider 5/5
Amazing comic...glacial pace. I don\'t think I\'ve ever read ANYTHING else that was this slowly updated.

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