Below is a list of comments made by emmanuel, in date order (newest at the top).
Comic: Powerpuff Girls D |
well then even thought the low reviews have a valid point , the terrific art and the solid story overweight the comic's flaws , it's not really original at all but it's a really solid comic with a fun
idea and that what makes it so great |
Comic: Star Cross'd Destiny |
well then is there anything more to say? the only flaw I could see is that Starcrossed destinty is better read as a whole read rather than wait for a a M-W-F shedule . it's really great to read it for free thought ^^ |
Comic: Lounge, The |
oooooook here the lounge is not 100% about a shoujo-ai relationship and neither is about shameless fan-art it's about a store , it's sexy owner italy ishida and her girlfriend aya fukuno , her best friend max ,her personal rivarly with the wilheim sisters and of course it's mostly about the people who work there and the silly stuff that happens between them ^^ , updates mon-sat!! |