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User Profile For shadowmimiiru  
Comics By shadowmimiiru: Way Too Random
Comments Posted: 6
Favourites: 18
Profile Images Posted: 1
Comic Synopses Posted: 1
Yahoo! shadow_mimiru
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Below is a list of comments made by shadowmimiiru, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: McKomic Internet 5/5
Funny and oddly abstract in its drawing style. Agent #1's is beyond simple words as it parodies (In my dumb opinion) the lives of Superheroes ... There needs to be more topy though.
Comic: Cheer! 4/5
In my opinion artisticly better then the work it spinned off from. Storywise though ... It's still too young to tell.
Comic: Otaku -no- Yen 4/5
It's funny in that "Oh my god! I know people like this," funny. The art is great, but sometimes the text is hard to read. Over all though its pretty damn good.
Comic: Ded End 4/5
very well drawn (welll for a guy with no arms) and it has its funny moments, really though its all about the art.
Comic: PockyBot 3/5
Beautiful art, and a very commited (in more ways then 1) creator. but I've never quite been able to follow the story line.
Comic: Way Too Random 4/5
Hi all! This is 'Manda artist for WtR, I'm sorry to say that right now the site is down as i'm waiting for my personal internet to come back on (right now I use the college lab). if you want though you can still find the comic here, with new update once a week: umsfrm20.showMessage? pic

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