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User Profile For Tropylium  
Webcomic addict, mad scientist, and eccentric pretty much in general. :)
Comments Posted: 48
Favourites: 351
Profile Images Posted: 0
Comic Synopses Posted: 1
Below is a list of comments made by Tropylium, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Listening to 11.975MHz 4/5
A very trapezoid mandibulae upon Moor ampersand. Plaster.
Comic: Ginger's Bread 3/5
Refreshing to see a comic about twentysomethings (or any sort of a slice-of-life comic at all) that isn\'t all about relationship drama.
Comic: Sordid City Blues 5/5
One of the best slice-of-life comics I\'ve found in a long while.
Comic: The Space Between  
Well the beginning sure puts a new spin on what looks like an ordinary roomie comic on 1st glance. Hats off to you sir, if you can keep it up!
Comic: Hi to Tsuki to Hoshi no Tama 4/5
How can a comic with a \"magical girls with Pokemon\" premise turn out not suck? It\'s a mystery, but one I savor… going pretty nice so far, in fact, and thankfully without straying to soap opera, as might also be expected.

Now with 100% less mouths on cheeks, too!
Comic: Enigma Machine 3/5
The new record time for transition from a wacky roommate comic to an extradimensional crisis comic: by 7th update.

Estabilishing background did not scale down too well, but I\'ll much rather take sketchy details than walls of exposition…
Comic: Secret Knots, The 5/5
Fantastic. So atmospheric you can bathe in it. I saw one commenter call this the next A Lesson Is Learned; not far off the mark, really, even if this lacks the extravagant layouts and goes for a more subdued color palette. It does not surprize to see me that this is also a part of the Koala Wallop collectiv…
Comic: Transcerebral 3/5
This comic could be on its way to an insightful journey into identity, biotechnology, and the human psyche; or it could be on its way to a railroaded and mildly creepy run-off-the-mill gender-swap comic. Too erly to really tell. Pretty art too, tho the backgrounds seem to be designed for ease of drawing ;)
Comic: Shortpacked! 4/5
Five stars for humor (top-notch), four for art (does its job well), two for "plot" (overly contrived with too many deus-ex-machinas integrated).
Comic: Zap! 2/5
• Lead guy with a SOUPER MYSTEERIOUS past.
• Cast consist of Final Fantasy rejects + the occasional Star Wars rip-off.
• Every villain or halfway villaineous type spends 80% of their time with a shit-eatingly smug grin on their face.
• "Psychic amnesia" is apparently a valid excuse for behaving like a man-child.
• Violence = humor, except when required otherwise by plot.
• No fucking clue about how politics or government functions.
• Goes for the _four classical elements_ in a sci-fi setup.
• Battle scenes are basically Dragon Ball Z.

Don't be fooled by the pretty pictures; this comic is pretty stupid. Could be worse tho.
Comic: AfterStrife 3/5
An OK take on the stranded-in-a-strange-land theme, tho it strains my suspension of disbelief that everyone in "afterlife" seems to be in their youth… (Might actually be a plot point, but I'm so far skeptical on that.)
Comic: Cyanide & Happiness  
It's a duplicate entry!
Comic: Somewhere in San Fransisco Half Way Beyond The Bridge and The Tower Lies A Place Where Nothing is Ever What It Seems On A Day to Day Basis Because That Is What Happens in This Kinda Place  
That's a long comic name… longer than they've bothered to put on the website, in fact.
Comic: Factual Authentic Real True Stories (F.A.R.T.S.)  
This be a duplicate entry.
Comic: Jesus and Mo 3/5
OK, so artwise this is a crappy copypasta, but I'd say there're better insights here than in most religion-humor comics. Must be due to the fresh concept.
Comic: Unreality 2/5
Dumb comic. Too much investment in being offensiv, too little in actual humor / art; and it's still ultimately a fairly trivial sort of offensiv. I don't really see the point.
Comic: Lowroad 3/5
Meh, OK, but definitely not the best comic on the web... or even in the top 50. I like the disctinctive art style, but it's still nothing revolutionary. The humor's quite a bit on the juvenile side. Or should I say "gratuitious"?
Comic: Divine Intervention X 2/5
Pretty stale - mostly prattle about sex, and the art isn't anything to write home about either.

Also, how come every small European country claims to have the most beautiful women in the world?
Comic: perry bible fellowship archives  
Would it be too much asked not to keep adding duplicates of existing comics? Seriously, knock it off -this is already the 3rd entry for PBF. Three words to remember for the future - "Comic Control Panel."

(And don't try the "I didn't know" defence - I see all three of you have the main entry in your favorites too.)
Comic: Dilbert  
…And now it's Bingbert…
Comic: Dilbert  
Okay, who changed this comic's name to "Dingbert"?
Comic: Something Positive  
Someone fix that horrible, horrible image.
Comic: Spamusement 4/5
Somewhat hit-and-miss, but if you appreciate over-the-top random humor, it's a frigging goldmine.
Comic: cute wendy 3/5
I'm not seeing the point in adding comics to the List _after_ they have ended...

Doesn't detach from the humor, of course.
Comic: Slow Wave 4/5
Gives what it promises. A must-read for any friends of surrealism.
Comic: Pixel 4/5
A most successful experiment in geekery taken to an extreme.
Comic: Falcon Twin 4/5
I totally adore the art, especially the restrained color palette. Author isn't afraid to show stuff in action sequences either. (When's the last time you saw someone getting their hand burnt from casting a bolt of magic?) The story seems OK so far, tho I think the beginning was a little contrived. Then again, when is dimensional travel NOT contrived? :)
Comic: Roughies 4/5
A strange trip thru Oklahoma with a gang of outcasts. Strangely manages to feel both realistic and surreal at the same time. Bonus points for the least gratuitious catgirl on the Internet. :)
Comic: Noses Optional 4/5
I firmly believe that Noses Optional is the archetype of webcomics.
Comic: OK / Cancel 3/5
The writing doesn't rise that much above the average "duhrrr co-workers are dumb" strip, but it's quite educative, decently drawn, and most of the time funny, too.
Comic: Captain August 4/5
A surreal space adventure with pirates, clowns, beatniks etc, plus a lot of poetry. Unusual, funny AND well done - that's not something you see very offen!
Comic: El Goonish Shive Sketchbook 5/5
Dan Shive has clearly mastered the art of Filler to a level unseen before.
Comic: Adventures of Eemos and Draing, The 1/5
Pseudo-pixelated drawings on small pieces of torn yellow lined notebook paper, scanned uncropped? This has GOT to be some sort of a bad joke. Almost like straight out of some of the more absurd HNTRAC entries. O_o
Comic: Cetacean Toons 2/5
I like the idea, but the art's only a notch above Pokey the Penguin and the writing's not particularily remarkable... sorry, can't really recommend this one.
Comic: I = Insect  
This is a duplicate of "I = Insect". Please delete.
Comic: Artur Comix 2  
FYI. You're supposed to add the comic's main site, not every individual comic.
Comic: Perry Bible Fellowship 5/5
C'mon people! Stop adding comics that are already in the database!!

Doesn't retract from PBF being grade-A funny, however. :)
Comic: Short Packed  
WTF. This comic is already on the list (only under "Sci-Fi" for whatever reason)
Comic: Bob and George 4/5
i don't really read the main comic anymore, but some of the subcomics are comedy gold. Maybe I should campaign for adding them here as independent entries.
Comic: cultural void  
Don't resubmit the site if the URL changes, use the Control Panel.
Comic: Woman boot 1/5
Spam. Not comic.

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