Comic: Arkaina |
Kind of sucks, if I'm honest. |
Comic: VG Cats |
I read through plenty of the strips, I'm not one to judge something like that. I read through over 150 strips. Out of those, a grand, incredible total of 3 were funny. 3. Magic number it may be, but that doesn't make the other 147 strips of pure turgid SHITE worth reading. |
Comic: Poultry Arisen |
Much better than typical D&D themed comics. The dialogue isn't rigid, the characters have a sense of depth, the art isn't shit, and the mysticism doesn't take over the comic just because the author thinks its 'cool' or 'deep' |
Comic: Draconia Chronicles, The |
Nothing annoys me more than a comic with such a stale plot and horribly stiff dialogue.
The plot is a pile of shit. Its just another wannabe who thinks they're so horribly original and 'deep' with this fantasty lore shit littered with magic swords and myth. Get over it people, there are hundreds of comcs based on that shit and I have yet to find ONE of them thats any better than 'acceptable'. I read ONE fantasy style comic, and even that still has to prove its worth to me by moving on from backstory. Well done backstory it may be, but its still not happening in the NOW of the comic.
As for the dialogue, it reads like a breadstick. Even when one character says 'no need for formalities' she still follows it up without contracting 'you are'. Come on people! Who the hell talks like that when they're trying to put across comraderie and freindship in a non formal way?
The rest of the dialogue is just as bad and its painfully obvious the author has no idea what the hell a good comic is about. Within the first 10 pages or so there are more new characters and plotlines than there are PAGES! Almost every panel contains some new exclamation of 'OH! YOU! My long lost sister from furry kingdom character design HELL!'
This comic is a pile of shit and is in no way original. As for 'no apparent shortage of ideas or directions' thats entirely the PROBLEM! The comic is trying to do too FAR too much at once and can't do ANY of it WELL. |
Comic: Mac Hall |
Supplies of emergency buttsex? whats not to like? |
Comic: Comedity |
Great comic. Archives are great, updates seem to be peoples main problem with it. Funny, and continues to be so. |
Comic: Konsekai: Swordwaltzer |
Too early in the comics lifespan to tell, but if the comic manages to get out of explaining the backstory at any point, and starts focusing on current actions, then this could be a very very good comic.
Hoever the trasition between describing a backstory like it is at the moment, and telling a story, two very different things. I hope it pulls it off. |
Comic: Angry Zen Master |
somehow despite having a nonsensical plot made up on whims, and despite having several art styles, this is probably one of the best comics out there because its so well scripted it doesnt need those things to be any better. |
Comic: MegaTokyo |
Quinlan, you are referring to the fact that we had a small discussion about VG cats. (I hate it, he loves it), and that we both rated this comic too.
Its like 4 goddamned posts. I think you're looking a little too hard for something that doesn't exist. |
Comic: VG Cats |
Wow. A calm collected analysis of it by myself predisposed to belittle this repugnatly bad webcomic, and what do I get to counter it?
A rabid fanboy whose vocabulary seems entirely composed of words found in no english dictionary.
Its not 'some' of the strips that suck, every webcomic has those. Its an overwhelming majority, in the region of 95% or more, that are absolutely incredibly bad. I understand all the jokes attempted within the strips but the delivery, timing, even the base observation is entirely humourless. |
Comic: Anthropomorphic Hardware |
Not all that great. Nice timewaster. |
Comic: Apple Geeks |
Awesome comic, one of the best. If only it wasn't sharing the pantheon of webcomic gods with VG cats though. |
Comic: Sore Thumbs |
One of those strange comics that you read and dont really like at first, but grows on you forever. |
Comic: Questionable Content |
One of the best webcomics in existence today. |
Comic: God Mode |
All things considered, among the better gaming comics out there, and, albeit like most things, it kicks the crap out of VG cats. |
Comic: Dominic Deegan |
Excellent comic. Not the most incredible art, but surely some of the most effective. Stylish and consistent humour, and a very well thought out story (Even if there are a couple of plot holes) |
Comic: Ctrl+Alt+Delete |
A much better comic than recently given credit. It isnt as incredible as it used to be admittedly, but it still beats the crap out that overrated pile of shite we call VG cats, each and every strip. |
Comic: Chugworth Academy |
Not the best humour in the world by a long shot, but for some inane reason, once you've read the archive, you never stop checking the updates. |
Comic: VG Cats |
A Horrible, horrible comic.
I read through over a hundred strips in a fit of boredom. I found exactly 3 even mildly amusing.
Applegeeks, Chugworth Academy, CAD, Megatokyo (Yes, even now) and Sorethumbs even, all completely outclass this comic in every way. They have better quality art, charactes, humour, everything. Even the majority of their websites layouts are better.
Horribly unfunny comic, that relies on poorly executed 'flavour of the week' humour to succeed. Never before have I witnessed such a hideously unfunny FFVII 'Aeris + Pheonix down' joke. Never before have I plunged on through a comic archive, hoping against all obstacles that I might find soemthing worth chuckling over, only to be sorely dissapointed.
VG cats is not funny. VG cats is not well drawn. VG cats is not. a. good. webcomic. |
Comic: Estancia |
Comic: Mystic Revolution |
Excellent take on MMORPG's in general, and I like the way the story seems to be progressing and getting more arc driven as opposed to slapstick jokes. If it keeps devloping like this it could be a very competitive webcomic. |
Comic: MegaTokyo |
Megatokyo is a strange comic indeed. people often read through the archives and get bored or annoyed with the change to manga more than humour. (Wheres teh funny?)
Personally, I love both styles, and my favourite strip is still a classic. Anyone here speak leet? |
Comic: Tsunami Channel |
I disagree, the megatokyo art is better quality for this kind of storytelling. This comics style gets very very busy and hard to understand at points.
Also, the story is very good, but it lacks the instant connections people can make with characters like Largo and Piro, and relies too much on the reader knowing the subject matter to an almost otaku degree. |