Below is a list of comments made by Anduin, in date order (newest at the top).
Comic: Ethereal Legacies |
Every once in a while you come across a tasteful comic that features beautiful art. Unfortunately, this is definitely not one of them.
From the very first page on, and without warning, blatant nudity is shown of what is supposed to be the main character- it is quite apparent the artist considers his dream blow-up doll a suitable lead. There is literally nothing but page after page of this "woman" striking awkward poses baring either her tush or enormous, hand-printed breasts. Needless to say, it's doubtful the artist has any experience with actual human anatomy, as like I've mentioned, each of the lead's breasts are as large as her head, and her middle is only just wide enough to accommodate what seems to be a ribless spine made of rubber. Furthermore, her face's appearance changes every single time you see her, leaving open the thought that there might be a dozen or more of these bizarre creatures running around!
Lamentably, the whole piece of work is presented in art skills that would do SO much better in a comic NOT to serving as "fap" material to the monkeys who must read it. Indeed, the only thing letting this comic escape from a poor rating by me is the absolutely fabulous goblin and "Rigor Mortis" character designs. When they and the main character are in the same panel, it's apparent that they are indeed "from different planes of existence." One must wonder what could have been, if only a competent writer was brought in (to put it simply, the writing and dialog are inconsistent, illogical, and poorly transitioned), and if the main focus (AKA, gigantic secondary sex characteristics) was changed to something that wouldn't have to distract readers away from the story. It's a shame to see so much potential go to waste. |
Comic: BeachNuts |
Nice clean artwork, but the navigation is really terrible. It's hard to get into something where you have to scroll around (especially when the images are small enough to definitely have this problem) and you have to keep track of which thumbnails you've already clicked. |