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User Profile For rcmonroe  
Comics By rcmonroe: Out There
Comments Posted: 0
Favourites: 4
Profile Images Posted: 3
Comic Synopses Posted: 2
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by rcmonroe that are currently in use.

Comic: Cliché Flambé
Sometimes a word or phrase or activity becomes so irritatingly commonplace that you want to pour booze on it and set it alight. That’s where Cliché Flambé comes in. Noted crank R.C. Monroe utilizes characters from his long-running webcomic Out There to help him grumble about things that aren’t going away anytime soon, no matter what he has to say about them. An exercise in futility? Perhaps—but frankly, he can use the exercise.
Comic: Out There
A narcissistic barmaid's two-steps-forward, one-or-two-steps-backward journey to enlightenment. Not always a pretty sight. The journey, that is. SHE always looks FABULOUS.

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