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User Profile For teeronline  
Comments Posted: 20
Favourites: 30
Profile Images Posted: 1
Comic Synopses Posted: 1
Below is a list of comments made by teeronline, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: The Zombie Hunters 5/5
another great comic, very cinematic style I love! keep up the good work
Comic: Edenworld Saga 3/5
what happened to the downloadable volumes?? I guess I know why you took them down but I wouldn't do that if I were you they're brilliant feeling like reading real comic, now it's just another web strip, I'm very disappointed!
Comic: Edenworld Saga 5/5
amazing arts and profolio, i think your probably the only one around offering full downloadable ep
Comic: Badass Muthas! 5/5
this is a great comic, in both style and context!
Comic: Purgatory Tower 5/5
omg this is my fav webcomic atm, I can read this over Iverloch at any day! the action is awesome
Comic: Tales Of Pylea 2/5
Don't read it, trying to steal clicks it's on the update list everyday but there's no update!
Comic: Bastard Swordsman, The 3/5
with a mask, Mydira would be a good gundam seed or whatever they call it
Comic: Chugworth Academy 3/5
is this comic any way about humor anymore?
Comic: Zed Reckoning 5/5
best quality around, hope to see the constant update.
Comic: Alpha Luna 3/5
dude your website ran out of bandwidth???pay 10 bucks and get a mediatemple their hosting is good
Comic: Homanga! Alternative Manga for the Poor Otaku 3/5
too bad text r too small... Automatic is a a good comic though
Comic: inverloch 3/5
A bit overated, the fact that the story is really slow at first. What is really important this comic is goin to the final chapter which draws my attention.
Comic: anathema 2/5
This is Hentai
I have no doubt it ll be reaching rank 1st soon... XP
Comic: H-Game Webcomic, The 4/5
sick sitsuation and amusing at the same time.
Comic: Alpha Shade 3/5
Never go see the flash, it loads toooo long. Humm good plot I suppose, it begins at a war scene. I don't like the art style much though.
Comic: BFX Project, The 3/5
cool action comic, however I somewhat ditch about navigation in the site, its kindda confused whether i was reading from Adc's or from Tak's.
Comic: tankhat comix! 5/5
I think you guys r one of the underdogs that actually rock! I love James work, keep it up!
Comic: Fantasy Realms 4/5
pretty much the best art you can find online as a free webcomic. Visual in excellency, but updates r pretty slow as expected.
Comic: Dorothy Gale: Journey to Oz 3/5
Fairly good, good artwork but not a comic in my own definition of a comic book, its got not divided by panels, every page has only 1 panel. I gave up on page 4.
Comic: VOLG 5/5
Fluent skill, esthitic plot and story. This is a pro-level manga. I love it as a webmanga, it deserves in a higher spot.

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