Comic: Closencounters Manga |
This comic is a hilarious Sci-Fi love story of a school-going human who accidentally lives with an alien and her animal-brained, attractive, human-looking pet. It\'s done as a manga (read right-to-left) with plenty of fanservice and set in a Japan-like culture. There are some slight translation problems, but that should only be a speed bump in your reading from time to time. |
Comic: Dead Winter |
Beautiful, subtle art. The characters are great, and the story compelling. What more could you ask for in a webcomic? |
Comic: Irregular Webcomic |
Geeky, witty, creative, and Australian. Fun stuff with Legos™ and RPG miniatures. :) |
Comic: Oglaf |
This is hilarious! Very much an adult comic (sex, violence, and a goodly bit of naughty language). Unfortunately, the server is kind of wonky, so it isn\'t always -there-, but when it is, it\'s spectacular. |
Comic: Sequential Art |
Consistent quality for years, funny gags, and endearing characters who have grown through the strip\'s run. What\'s not to like? |
Comic: The Beauties And The Beasts |
Very good story thus far, and the comic style is clear and simple. |
Comic: Depravia |
Definitely off to a good start. The detail and visual angles are great. Entirely sexually oriented, so be warned, but well-crafted! |
Comic: Fans |
This is a great, long-running comic. It's grown and changed through the years. Sometimes a bit political, a bit preachy, but it's mostly a great time with some interesting characters. |
Comic: Count Your Sheep |
A beautiful simplicity in telling of the lives of an imaginative child, her struggling but hopeful single mother, and their friend, an imaginary sheep. Very sweet, dynamic and cool. |
Comic: lucy lastique |
Excellent, evocative art. Very smutty and sexy, without wallowing in depravity. The storyline has become more complex as the series has progressed, and the characters are doing so as well. Fun SciFi porn, what else could you ask for? |
Comic: Catharsis |
This is an excellent webcomic. Light and sweet, it still has an ongoing storyline that's interesting. It's got a lot of goofy elements, and kind of reminds me of some of my high school friendships. The artwork is realistic enough to convey a lot of emotion and events, without being harshly realistic. |