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User Profile For Mo Jo  
Sequential artist/animated movie enthusiast.
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Profile Images Posted: 1
Comic Synopses Posted: 1
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by Mo Jo that are currently in use.

Comic: Mid-Evil
After the tragic death of her father seven years ago, Julie Rhodes went through many trials during her childhood. But now, except for the strange dreams, her life has finally become stable...until horrible monsters attack out of nowhere, and is then saved by a mysterious otherworldly ally!

Brace yourself as you follow the story of Julie as she, her friends, her newfound "Guardian" and several other gifted strangers watch their lives slowly become wound together by fate in a mix of parrallel worlds, decades-old government conspiracies, strange secret societies, the American Civil War, and even the Holocaust! Once these individuals are united, the world as they know it will be turned upside down. Welcome to the world of the Mid-Evil...

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