Comic: Girl Genius |
Well this doesn\'t have a clean sweep of 5 star ratings for nothing!
Just check it out, you won\'t regret it. |
Comic: The Zombie Hunters |
So awesome! Great art and you can tell the author/writer actually gives a shit about character development and story line (something a lot of webcomics seem to miss out on!). I hope this keeps goings and gets picked up for an animated series or something bigger. |
Comic: 21st Century Coeds |
Honestly, WHO is reading this comic?
The art hasn\'t improved in 5 years and the story is so mundane.
They were getting about 100 hits a day then all of the sudden, with no increase in exposure or advertising, they get about 600 per day.
Someone (the author perhaps) is ratcheting up the numbers somehow I think.... |