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User Profile
User Profile For darrell san 3000  
The olde me.
Comments Posted: 2
Favourites: 4
Profile Images Posted: 2
Comic Synopses Posted: 2
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Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by darrell san 3000 that are currently in use.

Comic: Blonde Marvel
erotic super hero fantasy and adventure
Comic: Superb Villain
For Mature Adults Only: If you're tired of talking animals, elves on a quest for the magic doohicky or smart alecky teens making smart alecky remarks about video games, you may be ready for SUPERB VILLAIN. Superb Villain and his pals aren't cute, or furry or worried about how PS2 compares to XBOX. They are hedonists thugs bent on robbing, smoking dope and getting laid. Not necessarily in that order. Enjoy!

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