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User Profile For Viruul  
Comments Posted: 0
Favourites: 7
Profile Images Posted: 10
Comic Synopses Posted: 8
Favourite Comics  
The follow comics are contained within Viruul's favourites list.

Now showing entries 1 to 7 of 7

Boxer Hockey
Profile Image Genre: Weird
Date Added: 25 July 2008
Current Comic Ranking: 15/
Status: Normal (?)

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The Alabama Mekpens play a sport known as Boxer Hockey. A bizarre comic.
Grand Expedition
Profile Image Genre: Geeky
Date Added: 17 February 2012
Current Comic Ranking: 4177/
Status: Could Not Connect to Site (?)

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Join your favorite (or least favorite, I dunno, I\'m not in your head) Pokémon trainers: Brandon, Chris, And Mimi, as they embark on a new adventure in a new land about a year after the events of PCBC2 Competition. Place- The Tenspire Region Destination- The Tenspire League. New world, new experiences, New land, same formula.
Miss West
Profile Image Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 29 December 2011
Current Comic Ranking: 2823/
Status: Could Not Connect to Site (?)

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Miss West is the story of a girl who is about to enter the world of the twenty-something aged adult, and at that age, she must face the problems that one must face in everyday life. These Problems are life's annoyances and difficulties that we have all come to deal with, ranging from broken appliances to stubbing her toe to dealing with daily jerk-faces on the street. However, this girl's problems...
The Lores
Profile Image Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 10 February 2012
Current Comic Ranking: 4370/
Status: Could Not Connect to Site (?)

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A young man wakes up with no memory of who he was or is. Though he has no time to dwell on the past because his life could already be ending!
The Meek
Profile Image Genre: Mature
Date Added: 8 March 2009
Current Comic Ranking: 534/
Status: Normal (?)

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A young girl goes on an epic adventure that will decide the fate of mankind. She is also mostly naked.
VG Cats
Profile Image Genre: Gaming
Date Added: Before Time Began
Current Comic Ranking: 179/
Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)

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This comic deals with the stupidities of some video games and the hilarious situations that ensue due to them. It also chronicles the life of two very bizarre cats in their daily adventures. All in all, a really funny read.
Profile Image Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 27 January 2011
Current Comic Ranking: 11123/
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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Baron is a young Witchdoctor who is doing his job hunting down bad vibes with his voodoo like powers!
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