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User Profile For olivox  
Comments Posted: 0
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Comic Synopses Posted: 17
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by olivox that are currently in use.

Comic: 30 / 30 rule
let's meet after 30?
Comic: affirmative sex action
affirmative sex action. let\'s dream!
Comic: did you met Scarlett Johanssonn
she was there
Comic: good deal
opportunism is a way of life
Comic: it's a kind of magic
an angel is passing...
Comic: lasting relationship
a lasting relationship, again, again, again
Comic: mind the apocalypse
just in case...
Comic: neurosis manager
how to be a boss when you know nothing
Comic: olivox
sexy biotech
Comic: olivox
about women\'s monologues?
Comic: olivox
choose your life, now
Comic: olivox
first date going too fast?
Comic: olivox
The truth about your lovely lover
Comic: olivox
man, imagine if you were a girl?...
Comic: olivox
break down
Comic: spot the difference
tricky !
Comic: the biggest silent comic in the world
you don't want to know how clowns are dying

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