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User Profile For mavlock  
Comics By mavlock: Dead Future: Convocation
Comments Posted: 0
Favourites: 2
Profile Images Posted: 2
Comic Synopses Posted: 2
Favourite Comics  
The follow comics are contained within mavlock's favourites list.

Now showing entries 1 to 2 of 2

Dead Future: Convocation
Profile Image Genre: Sci-Fi
Date Added: 20 May 2010
Current Comic Ranking: 1689/
Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)

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There is a story that is passed down through the ages. This tale of the undead, arisen to devour the living, leaving nothing but a wasteland behind them. Yes, that is what you find here. Contained within the pages you will be taken on a twisted ride through the end of the world. From docile day dwelling zombies to a side line view from space as the world falls apart and back to one beginning of it...
Profile Image Genre: Manga
Date Added: 7 April 2010
Current Comic Ranking: 558/
Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)

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Comedy Manga featuring a world with no humans, full of classic Monsters such as zombies. vampires, mummies and others drawn in a cute manga style.
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