Comic: Dominic Deegan |
Highly addictive! I stayed up until 3:30 AM last night reading because I just couldn't stop, and then finished the rest in the archive in every spare second today. It is a very good read! |
Comic: No Rest For The Wicked |
Very tasty. I await more eagerly. |
Comic: san antonio rock city |
This url is wrong. This comic can be found at |
Comic: Joe Loves Crappy Movies |
I love this strip... it's the only theme comic I know that really sticks to its subject matter. Plus, in addition to the excellent comics, there are quite detailed, yet generally spoiler-free, movie reviews. These two elements add up to a must read. |
Comic: Friendly Hostility |
Very interesting characters and postures indeed. |
Comic: Theater Hopper |
Probably the best explicit self-insert comic I've ever read. Also, it may be the best webcomic featuring a beagle ever. Oh yeah. I went there. |
Comic: Nothing Nice to Say |
This may be the best webcomic ever. It's inspired so many knock-offs! |
Comic: MegaTokyo |
The latest storylines have been awesome! I think Fred's finally hitting his stride as a solo act in the last few months. |
Comic: chocolate Milkmaid |
Um, yeah, this is basically just porn. Very, very shameless porn. |
Comic: 21 Dead Monkeys |
This comic is hilarious. Even though the subject matter might fly over the heads of some people, the humor is usually not dependant on having an extensive knowledge of ska. |
Comic: Strange Candy |
I've been reading this comic for a long time, and while's a little slow-moving, the characters are interesting and fun (and numerous!) |