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User Profile For rahulpb  
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Comic Synopses Posted: 69
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by rahulpb that are currently in use.

Comic: Kaurava Comparisons
Being a Kaurava isn't easy.
Comic: Party Time
Because getting invited matters. :P
Comic: Scented Souls
How to catch the rainbow fish.
Comic: A Comic Anniversary
One year of blogging has gone by..and hopefully there will be lot more..
Comic: A New Year
Wishing everyone a happy new year!!
Comic: A Thing Called Love
A foolish cartoonists attempt to make sense of a topic as complicated as Love..
Comic: A Wandering Mind
The struggle of NOT thinking.
Comic: Agree to Disagree
A clash of egos in the India parliament.
Comic: Aru: The King
The beginning of the adventures of Aru
Comic: Bird Watching
An ancient ritual among men all across the globe..
Comic: Boys Will be Boys
Somethings never change..
Comic: Can't Help Falling in Love
A small tribute to Elvis (8 Jan 1935- 16 Aug 1977)
Comic: Carry On
Do the weird shit you love.
Comic: Caught Or Not?
Politicians take scams very seriously..atleast in a way..
Comic: Chak De India
How do we encourage our sports people? Not like this I hope..
Comic: Civil War
Whose side are you on?
Comic: Connecting Wires
Experiments,wires and (over) confidence..
Comic: Contagious
Things that get stuck in your head..
Comic: Delhi Belly
India, media & crime..
Comic: Destructive Date
A very complicated silly joke...
Comic: Differing Prayers
All of us don\'t pray for the same thing..
Comic: Diwali Greetings
Best wishes for Diwali
Comic: Escape Plan
Planning an escape from the belly of the beast.
Comic: Excuse Alert
Who needs hard work when you have excuses? :)
Comic: Freedom Meanings
Freedom is a right. And also a responsibility.
Comic: Freedom of Thought
Somethings just cannot be blocked ;)
Comic: Good,Bad & Ugly
The good,bad & ugly face of our cops..
Comic: Hang On
Sacrifice for a Indian politician...
Comic: How It Ends
The King falls..
Comic: Inner Demons
Don\'t let your inner demons depress you.
Comic: Limits Of Knowledge
The things we know and don\'t know..
Comic: Lost & Found
A small love story in comic form.
Comic: Love is Blind
How many of us can love blindly?
Comic: Love Me Tender
A comic in memory of the King of Rock & Roll. (8th January 1935)
Comic: Man In The Sky
Jumping from the sky can have its own good and bad moments..
Comic: More Backup
Think of more ways to reach your goals.
Comic: Moving On
Sometimes moving on isn\'t just about moving away.
Comic: Passing Worries
Always support a friend who is worried about failing :)
Comic: Picking Favorites
Something teachers do knowingly or unknowingly...
Comic: Point Of View(II)
A sore neck and a young heart..
Comic: Quality Time
Time spent with friends is perhaps one of the best ways to spend it.
Comic: Rainbow Fish
A fishing quest.
Comic: Secret Passage
Reaching the palace.
Comic: Shared Grief
Having someone to fail with. :)
Comic: Shoot Me If You Can
A very filmy showdown/shootout
Comic: Shri Ganesha
Well Ganpati Bappy morya!
Comic: Sort It Out
Sorting through scams..
Comic: Strange Girlfriend
When the girl seems a bit too different
Comic: Strange Valentine
In some Universe, love is not in the air on Valentine\'s Day.
Comic: Supernatural Problems
Being an Egyptian Mummy is not easy.
Comic: The Commited Type
Studies or fun? Commit to stuff that works for you.
Comic: The Deal
The rakshas and Aru find common ground.
Comic: The Fish Appears
Finding the rainbow fish.
Comic: The Forbidden Fruit
To do what you are told not to do..
Comic: The Important Doubt
The MOST important doubt for a student.. ;)
Comic: The Kingdoms Of God
A story about the battle between the first creations of God..
Comic: The Lucky Guy
A few lucky guys among our population..
Comic: The Other Point Of View
Boys,girls..whats the difference really?? :P
Comic: The Other Sports
India wins 173 medals in the Special Olympics! :)
Comic: The Point
The purpose of our education..
Comic: The Punishment
The way teachers punish..
Comic: The Teacher's Test
Being a teacher is not easy..
Comic: The Two Sides Of Love
A look at the various aspects of love..
Comic: The View
The King Aru and his brother Pavan go for a trip
Comic: The Winner
Success means different things depending on where you are.
Comic: Thoughts of Rain
Something to think about, when the rain seems to get on your nerves. :)
Comic: Twisted Tests
Small changes in a test can bring out some very different reactions.
Comic: Unexpected
A very rare case scenario..
Comic: Zindagi Ek Safar
Small tribute to Kishore Kumar..

R.I.P (4th August 1929 - 13 October 1987)

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