Below is a list of comments made by latecustomer, in date order (newest at the top).
Comic: Squishy Comics |
Working on getting site back up. Bandwidth issues again. Many apologies for inconvenience :( |
Comic: Squishy Comics |
Feb 17, 2010: Site\'s back up. New strip will be up on Feb 19, 2010. Again, thanks for your patience. |
Comic: Squishy Comics |
We apologize for the inconvenience. The site\'s down due to technical difficulties. Will be up in a few days. Thank you for your understanding.
Comic: Squishy Comics |
Problem fixed. Also, does anyone know how to delete comments? |
Comic: Squishy Comics |
Whoa. explosion of traffic to caused the strip\'s bandwidth to be exceeded. Thank you, and please be patient while this little problem gets fixed. |