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User Profile For Tahir Kazama  
Comments Posted: 1
Favourites: 30
Profile Images Posted: 0
Comic Synopses Posted: 3
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AIM TahirKazama
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by Tahir Kazama that are currently in use.

Comic: Cyantian Chronicles, The
What the life of several races of Fox's and their enemy Racoon's try and survive much less deal with day to day life.
Comic: Night Shift
Several stories in one. A young man with gal living on the streets are found by a crime syndicate, a crack team of cops are tracking down the crime syndicate, and two male vampires are starting anew in an appartment complex find difficulties just trying to fit in while hiding their secret.
Comic: StarFire Agency
Watch as these young adults go about studying all kinds of supernatural phenomina that is known to human kind.

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