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User Profile
User Profile For Defectivity  
Comments Posted: 0
Favourites: 3
Profile Images Posted: 3
Comic Synopses Posted: 3
Favourite Comics  
The follow comics are contained within Defectivity's favourites list.

Now showing entries 1 to 3 of 3

Fickle Theatre
Profile Image Genre: Weird
Date Added: 28 November 2011
Current Comic Ranking: 5653/
Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)

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Comics about undercover cops involved in robberies, similarities between cats and pineapples, pun-filled muggings, bomb disposal, mirror scares, and more!
Glass Half Empty
Profile Image Genre: Gaming
Date Added: 5 March 2005
Current Comic Ranking: 11942/
Status: Pattern Not Matching (?)

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Comics about elevator etiquette, stolen socks, people who are too tough to use umbrellas in the rain, snowmen that have come to life but wish they hadn't, internal clocks, fear of ghosts and public speaking, time-traveling job-interview questions, last straws, and more!
Glass Half Empty
Profile Image Genre: Quirky
Date Added: 22 August 2006
Current Comic Ranking: 17568/
Status: Not Checked For Updates (?)

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Good old fashioned Seinfeldian/Curbyourenthusiesque jokes about nothing, centering on a group of college students.
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