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User Profile For Zachary Braun  

I have been making comics for years, and now showcase them for all to see. Enjoy yourself!

Best wishes,
Comics By Zachary Braun: Nature of Nature's Art
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Comic Synopses Posted: 1
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by Zachary Braun that are currently in use.

Comic: Nature of Nature's Art
Decades ago, a primitive man was recreated in a laboratory. He became the subject of top secret research into the mindset of the missing link. Three researchers became his mentors, teaching him about how mankind rose up from the natural world, and what it means to be human.

In 1981, grants for project were halted, and the research facility that housed him was forced to close. With nowhere to go, he was released into the wild.

Traversing a massive nature preserve, he became determined to employ the theories and philosophies that he had learned. Gathering animals from all species, he built up a society of his own, and now the missing link seeks to close the gap between animal and human.

Nature of Nature's Art is a series of stories based on the society he built.

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