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User Profile For ericthetolle  
Fantasy writer and major webcomics fan. Major influences include old manga, fantasy artwork, and old bad 70s SF TV series. Fan of good world building, and excellent costuming on characters. Currently working on worldbuilding project that may eventually turn into a webcomic. Maybe.
Comments Posted: 4
Favourites: 398
Profile Images Posted: 1
Comic Synopses Posted: 3
Below is a list of comments made by ericthetolle, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Missing Monday 5/5
New url:
Comic: Nahast - Lands of Strife  
Nahast is a quite interesting exercise in word building, with an interesting combination of Mesoamerican and Asian design aesthetics; they actually go together very well. The characters are likable, and the plot is interesting enough to keep me reading.

The bottom line? Out of thousands of webcomics out there based on games, this is maybe one the half dozen that are actually worth reading. It\'s good stuff.
Comic: Sequential Art  
NOte that the current address is now: entialart.php.

Anyway, this is a really funny, very well drawn comic, that\'s suitable for general readership. It\'s a furry comic even people who hate furries ought to like.
Comic: Sidekick Girl 5/5
Well written, very good characterization, and I can't help but root for the heroine who treats superheroine like a crappy admin job.

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