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User Profile For silverfox14  
Comments Posted: 9
Favourites: 47
Profile Images Posted: 0
Comic Synopses Posted: 0
Below is a list of comments made by silverfox14, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Concession 5/5
Briliant! Cool art, gr8 stories, and it's funny. Yay!
Comic: Vinci and Arty 5/5
Wowsers! Funny, well-drawn, AND still going strong! Brilliant!
Comic: Class Menagerie, The 5/5
Excellent! Great to see a different style of art, great range of characters, and well structured plots. Definitely recommend reading it!
Comic: Untitled 5/5
Fab! Grows in quality, not only in art, but in story, the more I read. How on Earth you managed to keep up with your release schedule is anyone's guess, but you did it brilliantly! I'm still in 2002/03, and I can't wait to read the rest!
Comic: Sequential Art 5/5
It just keeps getting better! Hilarious, witty and fantasticly drawn, it screams brilliance!
Comic: Nine Lives 5/5
Very cool artwork! Great story too! Must read on!
Comic: fur-piled 5/5
Great story, but I noticed that this hasn't been updated for two years... please start again! It's unfair to start a great comic and not finish it! Please?
Comic: Sequential Art 5/5
Love the style, love the jokes! One of my faves!
Comic: Better Days 5/5
Great comic! If this was in comic stores, I would buy it! Only at chapter 9, so I must read on! Thank you for this gift of a comic!

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