Comic: Fera |
On the lost planet of Mu, a group bands together to travel throughout their world... But there\'s more to what there seems; Feran cat people, dealings with the planet Earth, dabblings in magic and machinery, and, best (or worst, for the characters) of all, betrayal, lies, and intrigue. What will it all lead to? Something interesting, no doubt.
The art is sketchy but demonstrates quite an underlying personality. I hope to see it become more refined in the future. The characters quite amuse me, even the ones that make me angry with their false-sentencing and culture bias! I\'m quite eager to see where the story goes -- I expect it will go far. (Besides, there will be a good amount of LGBT/gay themes, and a good dash of gay + innuendo always amuses me. 8D) |
Comic: Wayward Fall |
A dark comic that never fails to entertain - especially if you\'re a fan of action, violence, and all manner of underworld creatures (with none of the sparkling!). Well-paced, well-written, and compelling, you find yourself curious, following along effortlessly as your mind seeks to unravel the characters\' backgrounds. |
Comic: Union of Heroes |
It\'s the best photocomic I\'ve ever read. Never mind that it\'s the only one I\'ve ever read... but I will hold all future photo comics to its standard! It is clean, it is pretty, and what\'s most important - it\'s entertaining and easy to read. You\'ll make it through its archives easily.
It starts off with an unsuspecting guy suddenly zapped to a parallel universe full of superheroes in which his parallel is missing! For the time, he\'ll take over his parallel\'s spot - after all, it\'s more interesting than a regular old life. The One Who Knows assists him as he obtains the ability to shape his hands into metal, but for Knowing so much, that mysterious man never says more than he has to.
There are also parallel-ex-girlfriends, a cursed Valkyrie lovechild, and some other pretty cool concepts involved. Nice sequences of action (and an actually interesting training sequence, of which there\'s also video), an artistic approach to photocomics that doesn\'t employ overuse of Photoshop, intriguing mysteries involving unknown (and unwanted) powers, and an air of lighthearted humor abut the main character makes this comic definitely worth reading. You\'ll be surprised - particularly with the animated strips.
It\'s originally a German comic (you can tell - sometimes the English parts are wonky, but still excellent considering it\'s the author\'s second language), so all the settings are in Germany so far. I have the feeling things are going to get crazy in Germany pretty soon, and I can\'t wait.
So go read it! This is my personal recommendation! |
Comic: Mysteries of the Arcana |
This comic takes one of my favorite themes - Tarot - and turns it into the concept behind a potentially expansive set of worlds. It\'s the basis for a very \"foolhardy adventure\" in one of the most entertaining webcomics I\'ve read in a while.
The first pages may be confusing if you\'re half-asleep. But if you\'re not, you\'ll find an ideal and just-confusing-enough but engaging beginning. Action! Interest! A new reason for living! Lesbian elf kisses!
Yeah! Beyond that, the explanation that Theresa, the main character thrust in the middle of all this, receives is actually pretty natural and not info-dumpish like a lot of webcomics tend to get. The dialogue is well-done, too - something I tend to pay close attention to in any writing. I\'ve taken quite a liking to the main characters of this story and what makes them each unique.
When you get right down to it, the plot is just simple and strange enough for it to be taken very far. The comic\'s pretty short so far, but already there\'s been action, hints at romance, and anthropomorphic people (a closet favorite of mine). I anticipate a lot more.
And the art is nice. It\'s really nice. It\'s full-color, and I\'m glad. It\'s consistent, too. Characters have distinct and visually expressive faces (something else I look for in good art/webcomics). I think the style of shading figures could be more congruous with the lineart, but it\'s still bold and works. I think as the comic continues there will be a very natural improvement in the execution of action sequences.
You will like this comic.
Also: One of my favorite smaller appearances so far is a small fairy girl who speaks in visual pictorial speech bubbles. It\'s just...adorable. |
Comic: By Moon Alone |
On top of amazing artistic skills, this comic carries a strong sense of emotion and storytelling that speaks to something in you. Aaand it\'s half epic fantasy! Woo! I\'m fond of both sides of the story. |
Comic: salad days |
I still love this comic\'s writing, especially the visual manifestation of its dialogue. :D
But its filesizes were huuuuge
But who cares about that this comic is awesome, and I love the style - the eyessss. <3 |
Comic: Soil |
I enjoy tales in which someone is killed within a few pages. :D |
Comic: Unchained |
I love the way this comic is drawn. There\'s a lot of care put into it, and the characters all have traits one can latch to.
Everything\'s just so thoughtful. <3 |
Comic: Honeydew Syndrome |
HS is my crack. |
Comic: Strays |
It\'s so nicely-done, and cute... it\'s even cute when there\'s blood involved! |
Comic: Brymstone |
This comic is so great, from Darshe\'s whole setup to the breakdown of everything else... Why hadn\'t I heard of it sooner?! |
Comic: Metanoia |
I love this comic for a great many reasons, among them execution and writing. Originality is a plus, and certain dream sequences are a BIG plus. :D |
Comic: Fungus Grotto |
Such a simple and artfully-done story makes me wonder where it\'s going... |
Comic: Wynd of Change |
I wasn\'t expecting this to be so sexy.
I wanna see mooore. (Oh, but for more reasons than that, lol. It\'s niiice.) |
Comic: No Rest For The Wicked |
Amazing, how personalized and well-characterized this fairy-tale vision is. It is to be admired. |
Comic: Vampirates |
I wish I could describe just how I feel about this comic. XD Here, have some stars instead. |
Comic: Nymph |
Beautiful in its simplicity. |
Comic: Sister Claire |
This comic is so weird and somehow it WORKS. Love it.
Could be an THINK ABOUT IT. |
Comic: Undertow |
I love this comic\'s coloring style so much.
Also, I want to put Teyn on my shelf. |
Comic: Starcrossed |
Comets hold the answer to everything! <3 |
Comic: Yon Kuma |
Comic: inverloch |
I enjoyed it overall. Nothing really \"connected\" with me in the entire story, however - certain characters had a lot of potential that kind of petered out, despite how nice the ending was (conceptually). Their designs were prominent, but their personalities didn\'t stick out at all, nor their dialogue. But I liked the artwork (if anything, it showed skill after a while) and the relative simplicity of the plot. It just felt like nothing really happened. |
Comic: Shades of Grey |
One of my favorite, and the best, webcomics out there.
Real emotions, complex problems, the exploration to solve them; symbolism, action, humor. It\'s all in this comic, and it\'s all fantastic. |
Comic: Kawaii Not: the totally uncute webcomic. |
I almost wish I had thought of this, but I wouldn\'t have been able to pull it off. It\'s fantastic and ADORABLE. |
Comic: True Magic |
I am a mad Kiku fangirl.
I can\'t wait to see what the old version of the comic was like. I mean, it had to be great, too. *curious!* I love its current incarnation. :D |
Comic: Spades |
I love how this comic approaches the story of an amnesiac with superpowers. |
Comic: Lackadaisy |
This is one of The Best webcomics out there, with fantastic artwork, clever writing, distinct characters, and a perfectly captured essence of an era. The 20\'s, with cats. Gotta love it. |
Comic: Lackadaisy |
This is one of The Best webcomics out there, with fantastic artwork, clever writing, distinct characters, and a perfectly captured essence of an era. The 20\'s, with cats. Gotta love it. |
Comic: Lackadaisy |
This is one of The Best webcomics out there, with fantastic artwork, clever writing, distinct characters, and a perfectly captured essence of an era. The 20\'s, with cats. Gotta love it. |
Comic: Lackadaisy |
There are like 4 Lackadaisy listings here. I will comment this one.
This is one of The Best webcomics out there, with fantastic artwork, clever writing, distinct characters, and a perfectly captured essence of an era. The 20\'s, with cats. Gotta love it. |
Comic: Daqueran |
This comic has amusing character interaction and is watercolored, and hence hardcore. I enjoy it very much. |
Comic: Shades of Veil |
A very solid fantasy webcomic with enjoyable characters. I especially enjoy the style since it got all paint-y. :D |
Comic: Sarah Zero |
Its current incarnation takes you on a ride and drops you off suddenly at the corner of \"Amazed\" and \"Stunned.\"
It speaks very personal messages very loudly, and cleverly. |
Comic: Goodbye Chains |
I don't care where it's going. It's well-written, it looks NICE, and I love Banquo and Colin. |
Comic: The Dusk |
This is so detailed and elegant, too, despite its apparent subject matter. I'm fond of it! |