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User Profile
User Profile For sincerely  
Comics By sincerely: Artifact, Dissent, Oops, Nevermind
Comments Posted: 0
Favourites: 55
Profile Images Posted: 4
Comic Synopses Posted: 2
MSN Messenger
ICQ 14059295
AIM xisrabbit
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by sincerely that are currently in use.

Comic: Artifact
Artifact is a sort of hero\'s journey, populated by an ensemble cast of space pirates, terrorists, freaks, and aliens as they run a terrible gauntlet that spans solar systems. They will unite because their only other option is to be torn apart. It is dramatic, character-centric science fiction. It has heart, but it also has explosions and people being mauled to death.
Comic: Dissent
Marussan is a world of magic and gods. Many people live there and these powers do not touch their lives. Here, though, on the outskirts of the Dragon Woods, a story begins to unfold and only the seers know when and how it will end.

Dissent is a story about pride, manipulation, and courage. It is a story about sacrifice and salvation; what leads a person to ruin, and what gives them the determination and will to overcome it.

It is a story about people.

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