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User Profile
User Profile For rhathar  
From Norther California, I'm now a student at Concordia University in Montreal, QC, Canada. Peace out!
Comments Posted: 15
Favourites: 72
Profile Images Posted: 0
Comic Synopses Posted: 1
MSN Messenger
ICQ 15435767
AIM rhathar
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by rhathar that are currently in use.

Comic: Gods of ArrKelaan, The
When the first commercial space flight crashlands on the planet of Arr-Kelaan, the passengers are granted God-like powers by an unknown source.

Now some years after the landing, many of these new 'Gods' have established religions and followings for themselves. Mingling with the local populace in a D&D-esque world, these Gods take the forms of everything from comic book heros to things out of Greek Mythology.

Follow the tale of Ronson, a passenger from the flight that only wants to be left alone. With a drinking problem (he can't get drunk) and a dead wife whose spirit keeps visiting him, he wanders the planet in search of.. something.

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