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User Profile For NikolaiMcFist  
Comics By NikolaiMcFist: Ryus Krew
Comments Posted: 0
Favourites: 1
Profile Images Posted: 2
Comic Synopses Posted: 2
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Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by NikolaiMcFist that are currently in use.

Comic: Charles & Viktor
Follow the nonsensical adventures of Charles, an alien bunny, and Viktor, an alien dinosaur, as they venture throughout their world fighting things for no reason. Charles & Viktor are not alone, however, as their trio would not be complete without Catghost! Whom follows them and ensures that the two do not cause TOO much havoc!
Comic: Ryus Krew
Ryu's Krew follows the Soldiers of the Gods, the orders given to them by their masters, the Greek Gods, is to scour the universe for those who submit their power to Loki, which makes him stronger, ultimately wanting to kill Loki to stop him from killing the Gods and changing the universe in his image.

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