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User Profile For g7comics  
Comments Posted: 1
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Comic Synopses Posted: 1
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by g7comics that are currently in use.

Comic: The Dark Child
Dark Child is the story of a young Haitian girl named Nadia who is the great grand descendant of the Haitian Revolutionist Zamba Boukman and the daughter of a powerful mambo (voodoo priestess) of the Boukman Clan. Born with a rare and ancient gene that gives its carrier extraordinary superhuman abilities, resulting in Nadia’s ability that transforms her into what’s know to Haitians as the “Loup garou” loo-ga-roo: (an uncontrollable beast of darkness marked with a mysterious seal of blood), Nadia finds herself struggling to suppress the darkness within her because of the tragic loss of her mother. Forced on a journey to America, Nadia must now unlock the mysteries of her past and confront the chaos of her soul. Standing in her way is a great evil that will stop at nothing to consume the darkness growing within her and invoke mankind’s destruction. Nadia will soon discover that fate of generations will rest upon her shoulders and that the secrets of her past may hold the key to saving her humanity, transforming her destiny forever.

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