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User Profile
User Profile For oldgreypole  
Comics By oldgreypole: Harry Sorehead, Mister Five
Comments Posted: 0
Favourites: 14
Profile Images Posted: 2
Comic Synopses Posted: 9
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by oldgreypole that are currently in use.

Comic: Beetle Bailey
All about a lazy soldier and his misfit friends from Camp Swampy.
Comic: Broom-Hilda
All about a 1500-year-old witch and her wacky friends who live in a forest.
Comic: Diamond Lil
About a mischievous, no-nonsense 75-year-old widow who lives in Turkey Knuckle, Indiana, along with some of her senior citizen friends.
Comic: Dick and Jane
Features characters that many American schoolchildren learned to read with. Features both cute and laugh-out-loud humor.
Comic: Dogs Of C-Kennel
Life of dogs at a kennel called \"C-Kennel.\"
Comic: Mallard Fillmore
All about a conservative duck who works at WFDR with a bunch of liberals. Lots of conservative political humor.
Comic: Mister Five
Contains some number jokes, but also some letter jokes.
Comic: Sam and Silo
The funny citizens of Upper Duckwater, a rural town, which is run by a vertically challenged mayor and two bumbling cops.
Comic: Tiger
Some neighborhood kids being kids.

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