Comic: Gahtla Legends |
Wanted to note that I find it kinda funny you pointed out the hand-done tones and then I ended up HAVING to switch to digital :P
oops lol
If I could afford it, I totally WOULD do it all by hand. but they're way too expensive |
Comic: Anime Arcadia |
I honestly couldn't look through it for very long.
It's got random, really senseless bathroom humor that makes the characters really unlikable. Art skill is good, but I'm not liking the styles (why did the artists keep changing?)
just...kinda irritated me. Especially the cat girl (I don't know why any guy would put up with someone like that -- especially if he isn't *doing* anything) |
Comic: Aoi House |
The art is really good! But so far the characters don't have a whole lot of depth.... Seems to be focusing an awuful lot on fan service. |
Comic: Talismen: Return of the Exile |
I read this the first time back when it was on (drunk duck, was it?) and was SO upset when it was taken down @.@;
I love this one ^^ It immediately went on my favorites list here and on OnlineComics.
I love the art style and the art in general is done beautifully!
The characters are great, and can't wait for the rest of them to appear! Not to mention the story is downright enthralling!
Can't wait to see what happens!! |
Comic: O31: October 31st |
found out I can come back here and leave another :P One that may do this comic some justice!!
Now that the story's moved on more and introduced pretty much all the main characters ^^ I can add more here.
First off, I love the art style. It's really distinctive, eye-appealing, and while it has enough of an accurate portrayal to real life to get a good attitude for the comic, it's still has plenty of room for strong expressions.
The characters are great! With in-depth personalities and internal struggles to fight against the dark setting around them, they're quickly addicting @.@;;;
I love the dual story arcs going on at the same time by the different artists as well. ^^
Keeps ya stimulated and gives each individual artist time to do their pages without keeping the readers waiting *too* long (any wait at all for this one is agony though lol) |
Comic: PANDECT |
At first I didn't like it, I couldn't really see what the plot was and all that.
But as it went on, I kept checking the new pages (I LOVED the art style) and the plot became apparent ^^
I love the concept of Aces and their rankings and everything.
(not too fond of the random mature content - kinda takes away from the story sometimes :P )
Now I'm checking for updates daily XD
Definitely recommend |
Comic: Homestar Runner |
awesome T_T simply....awesome.
The humor ranges over from kids to adults well in their twenties.
The most wide-spread cult classic I could honestly say will last.
(when you call out "Trogdor" at an amusement park and about 3 groups of people in different directions start've got a winner XD ) |
Comic: VG Cats |
I like it ^^
the art style is really cute and expressive too |
Comic: Resonance |
The artstyle pulled me in ^^ Very distinctive.
It sorta has a raw, strong look to it.
I liked Ren almost immediately, and the story is coming along really nicely! More pages would be awesome XD |
gah, I was so upset when it ended o.o I thought it was going to be longer!
Oh well, all good things must come to an end, right?
The story is great! And this is one of the few comics that has a female main character that I like, she's got a very real personality and reactions.
Great job! Can't wait to see more from this author! |
Comic: Wish 3 |
Admitably, this has got to be one of my absolute favorite comics (both online and printed) ever.
The artstyle is really original and really skilled ^^ I like the storyline
the whole thing is addictive!! @.@ |
Comic: Earthsong |
Interesting characters and the storyline is really original ^^ |
Comic: Penny Arcade |
Unlike a lot of strip comics, this one's kept its momentum ^^
They're always hilarious, and I love seeing the artstyle evolve!
Awesome! |
Comic: Misfile |
not your typical web-comic ^^ in a GOOD way!
I like the plot and the characters are awesome! I really enjoy the different arcs it goes through, but still can't wait to find out what'll happen to Ash and everyone @.@ |
Comic: inverloch |
I'm new to this one, but after reading through it wasn't surprised why it was so popular in the Online Comic world ^^ |
Comic: Emerald Winter |
The art style and building story are great! Can't wait to see more!! |
Comic: Directions of Destiny |
I'm surprised the rank is in the 4 digits o.o it's got amazing artwork, a refresing style, interesting storyline ^^ and some addicting characters!
Can't wait to see more! |
Comic: Crowfeathers |
Love it ^^ One of my favorites
The characters are really interesting and the story's looking pretty good so far! Love the art style |
Comic: Aeternus Tripudio: The Eternal Dance |
uh....let's see.
Personal tastes aside, the cut-and-paste tattoos are a big turn off. If anything, they make your hand-drawn images look more sloppy.
Not sure what the story line is quite yet, but the characters are kinda....iffy. They seem real flat and scripted. |
Comic: Comics @ Mai' |
Lags my computer like no other.
I can't say I like it at all. |
Comic: Chugworth Academy |
Love the art.
Used to love the comic as a whole, but it's just gone down the past few months. (from check every update to maybe once a month....if I'm bored). |
Comic: O31: October 31st |
Great art, great story ^^ and loving the characters!! |