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User Profile For freeme  
Comments Posted: 12
Favourites: 26
Profile Images Posted: 3
Comic Synopses Posted: 1
Below is a list of comments made by freeme, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Pointe East 5/5
Best comic by a brother out there
Comic: Anarchy In Your Head 5/5
support this!! i do so very much find his comics to be pretty awesome
Comic: Cartridge Comics 1/5
I was gonna explain exactly why CC and its dumbass fans need to get bent, then I realised that CC is nothing but a huge waste of time, so fuck it.

Just read this, if you really think CC is anything but a pile of shit;

http://badwebcomics.blogsp l
Comic: Ctrl+Alt+Delete 1/5
CAD is the Garfield of the webcomic world. CAD is boring and full of trite jokes without any substance. In the years where Tim Buckely has drawn CAD, the art has not matured at all; it remains banal and crude, as if it was drawn by a person who doesn't really enjoy to draw. Of course the art doesn't matter at all, when speaking of webcomics such as xkcd, but the script is equally hackneyed. You can guess what the punchline will be within the first two panels. The dialogue is devoid of any humor or cleverness. CAD is little more that fanservice for PC gaming pre-teens.
Comic: Rogue Robot 5/5
I logged in with someone else's account just to rate this good.
Comic: Press Start to Play 5/5
Brilliant, Havn't seen anything quite like it, ever!
Comic: Calvin and Hobbes 5/5
professional work, a masterpiece
Comic: Sabrina Online 5/5
a webcomic classic, and still one of the best imo
Comic: Ctrl+Alt+Delete 2/5
this comic is not BAD, but the psychopathic behavior of the characters really disgusts me.
Comic: PVP Online 5/5
the funniest comic for those not as much into gaming as the penny arcade guys. My #1 recommendation together with
Comic: Book of Jesse, The 4/5
Very interesting take on politics. The drawing's constantly improving, and the humor is...well, quirky.
Comic: Flight deck 1/5
don't wanna be mean- but this comic SUCKS! it's in the daily news every day and it's all i can do to avoid glancing at it and (heaven forbid) READ THE CAPTION!... oh no!... it just so big time bites that it makes me cringe inside. nothing personal to the artist but this is my humble perspective.

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