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User Profile For parisel313  
Comics By parisel313: Spangler - Allies
Comments Posted: 0
Favourites: 0
Profile Images Posted: 1
Comic Synopses Posted: 10
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by parisel313 that are currently in use.

Comic: Magna Man - Kwamiville USA
Magna Man stops Kwame after he evicts people from the ghetto when he finds oil!
Comic: Magna Man Barry Bowl
Magna Man plays Barry Sanders in the Super Bowl!
Comic: Manga Man Nickel Slotted
Magna Man goes downtown, stops evil slot machines.
Comic: Midnite Crusader - Grand River Theft Auto
Midnite Stops Car Thief in an Assassination!
Comic: Midnite Crusader - The Jack Rat
First issue of Midnite Crusader. He stops the Jack Rat from stealing cars.
Comic: Phaeton - Cargo Embargo
Phaeton stops drug smugglers in Mexico!
Comic: Phaeton - Cargo Embargo
Phaeton retrieves a truck load of krack from crooks!
Comic: Popa Duck - Korn Bread Man
Popa Duck spoof about the Gingerbread Man!
Comic: Spangler - The Datrix
Matrix spoof, Spangler goes in datrix to defeat Mr. Smythe!
Comic: The Dream You Go Girl
Dream goes out on her own to establish herself as a superhero and saves Detroit!

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