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User Profile For mysticstudiosproduct  
Comics By mysticstudiosproduct: Horndog, Tales of the Unrefined
Comments Posted: 3
Favourites: 9
Profile Images Posted: 4
Comic Synopses Posted: 3
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by mysticstudiosproduct that are currently in use.

Comic: Here, Wolf
A sarcastic wolf faces prejudice when he dates a human. From Isaac M. Baranoff, the creator of HORNDOG.
Comic: Horndog
The unusual escapades of a canine tomcat named Bob, whose interests include the female body and high-grade marijuana. New comics posted on Saturdays.
Comic: Tales of the Unrefined
It creeps in the darkness, traveling from town to town like a black fog, engulfing the light. You cannot run from it, nor can you hide. It envelops all of your anger and hatred, and twists it into visions of your worst fears, haunting you with your own torrid dark fantasies.

The righteous do not fear this presence, and perceive it as a joke or a fraud. But the wicked will be treated with seven tales embodying each of the sins they have committed - lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. Tales of tortured souls. Tales of the Unrefined.

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