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User Profile For murdermidnight  
Comments Posted: 0
Favourites: 2
Profile Images Posted: 2
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Favourite Comics  
The follow comics are contained within murdermidnight's favourites list.

Now showing entries 1 to 2 of 2

13 Legends
Profile Image Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 6 July 2013
Current Comic Ranking: 3936/
Status: Normal (?)

View: Comic Profile / Comic Stats

The Arthurian Myths are reimagined in an alternate 1770s where the industrial revolution has come early, and the world is on the cusp of the reemergence of magic...
Murder & Midnight
Profile Image Genre: Fantasy
Date Added: 2 March 2013
Current Comic Ranking: 2165/
Status: Normal (?)

View: Comic Profile / Comic Stats

A mysterious man named Raith arrives on a remote island at the edge of the world, his only companions his two black birds -- a small crow named Murder and a large raven called Midnight. All Raith wants is a chance at a fresh start, and he gets his wish when he meets a young farm girl named Dawn and her Uncle Hanley. The peaceful existence of a farmer seems like a fairytale life... but how long can...
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