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User Profile For ashke  
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Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by ashke that are currently in use.

Comic: Bus Boy Blues
Zachary Von Dyetrich likes to shoot things, fly ships, and hack systems. But when the space-faring crew employing him gets grounded, he finds himself on a distant planet, making a living at his ex-captain\'s family\'s high class restaurant.
Comic: Busboy Blues
Zachary Von Dyetrich was once a hotshot spacer; a veteran pilot and info specialist. Now, forced into premature retirement when the ship he worked on is grounded indefinitely by disaster, he\'s become a womanizing, hopelessly addicted, thirty-something working stiff at a premiere interplanetary restaurant owned by the family of his ex-captain. If that wasn\'t bad enough, he\'s haunted by his past and plagued by a life full of nagging buddies, space anxiety, psychotic ex-girlfriends, incompetent assassins, and rabidly friendly dogs. He\'s learning the hard way that life as a busboy is just as bizarre and dangerous as a spacer\'s, and it\'s not a lesson he\'s particularly fond of.

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