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User Profile For collar6  
Comics By collar6: Collar 6 - A Bondage Fetish Webcomic
Comments Posted: 5
Favourites: 2
Profile Images Posted: 1
Comic Synopses Posted: 1
Below is a list of comments made by collar6, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Collar 6 - A Bondage Fetish Webcomic  
People should not be so quick to judge, you never know what the coming episodes may bring...
Comic: Collar 6 - A Bondage Fetish Webcomic 5/5
I just love how an 18 year old girl is an authority on bondage and BDSM, Cassandra... Thank you for your many years of experience behind your comment. :D
Comic: Collar 6 - A Bondage Fetish Webcomic 5/5
Now updates Sundays and Wednesdays!
Comic: Collar 6 - A Bondage Fetish Webcomic 5/5
A hilarious portrayal of the quirks in the lifestyle.
Thumbs up!
Comic: Collar 6 - A Bondage Fetish Webcomic 5/5
In a league of it\'s own, Collar 6 crosses the boundaries with humor and drama in the fetish lifestyle.

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