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User Profile For Filty Incog  
Comments Posted: 4
Favourites: 253
Profile Images Posted: 0
Comic Synopses Posted: 8
Below is a list of comments made by Filty Incog, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Aetheria Epics 5/5
This comic is exactly how I imagined things happening when I planned the games of this genre. From the early Final Fantasies to Dragon Quests the adventures of my youth took on a life of their own, and I see it reflected here.
Comic: A Stray To Botaram 5/5
Beautiful! This little piece exists in a world unique against anything I\'ve read before. Its something akin to the game Darwinia in style but holds it own. Its something about going against conention. Trusting what is right in your heart and mind, or contesting against yourself when heart and mind follow undivergent paths.

Keep in mind that in this world, reality is different then in ours. That is, if you wish to Stray to Botaram.
Comic: Dino Boy Online 3/5
This is a fairly interesting comic, though the writing seems to be directed at the more youthful audiences with the purpose to teach people to be good people.

While this may be one of the few set to teach good morals, this isn\'t a rarity in that there are morals to be learned. Most storyline based comics have plenty of thought inducing plots that feature the good and bad in all kinds of different situations. This is simply one of the more obviously put.
Comic: Bear Nuts  
Sort of like Happy Tree Friends with a story and a great writer.

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