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User Profile For LJ Phillips  
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Comic Synopses Posted: 3
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by LJ Phillips that are currently in use.

Comic: Silver Handcuffs
Set in the world of SKINS where you have a reason to be afraid of the dark. Ten years of occult warfare has led to plagues that transform men into monsters. The Coven, a privately funded agency, recruits both supernaturals and humans to combat this threat.

Silver Handcuffs is the story of taboo love between two Coven agents, the beautiful but wild vampire, Rabbit and the stoic werewolf, Captain Tyr.

Traditionally, their two races have been enemies and while the world may accept them working together, sleeping together is a different matter.

Among prejudice, demons and the dead rising, can love prevail?

Contains LGBT relationships and is aimed at mature audiences only. NSFW!

Silver Handcuffs and all related character © and ™ LJ Phillips 2013.
Comic: Skins
Children with no name and no past are sent into populated areas. They carry a supernatural plague in their blood.

And now humans and monsters must forget past grudges and work work together if they're to have any sort of future....

Skins and Under My Skin © and ™ LJ Phillips 2013. Skins and all related characters are copyright and trademarks of LJ Phillip
Comic: Under My Skin
Ever wondered what a vampire, werewolf and psychic would talk about in an elevator? Well, now\'s your chance to find out!

Under My Skin follows the Skin characters in their daily life. Drunk vampires, crazy ex-girlfriends and Pokemon bartenders abound! Oh, those whacky Skins folk, gotta love ém.

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