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User Profile For APOKOLYPES  
Comments Posted: 11
Favourites: 488
Profile Images Posted: 2
Comic Synopses Posted: 23
Below is a list of comments made by APOKOLYPES, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Devils Panties 1/5
it\'s gone full show me your papers...
Comic: Devil's Candy  
this is one of the best drawn, written, and adorable comics on the net! highly recommend
Comic: nemu*nemu  
most adorable comic! ^_^
Comic: Chimneyspeak

new url
Comic: Sister Claire 5/5
after not having read this comic for a while, i\'m impressed by how utterly MORE amazing it is! - be sure to also read the illustrated novel that accompanies back story to the cast of characters
Comic: Wonder Momo 5/5
this comic is amazing, it\'s like the old power rangers/sailor moon shows with modern comedic twist
Comic: Candi 5/5
When I first saw this comic I thought it would just be another cheesy cliche of many on the web, but wow was I wrong! This is one of the best web-comics I have ever come across in terms of portraying real people in slice-of-life genre while maintaining a whimsical/humorous tone consistently.

I guess to compare it to other comics on the net I would say maybe think \"Penny & Aggie\" or \"Archie\" only less fictional characters and more real life. The art and story is definitely fun, portrays college life accurately, and I agree with what everyone has said about this comic being honest and believable.
Comic: Minus 5/5
i agree with all the comments above, if u check out their website they have a bunch of other neat comics like this one too!
Comic: Song of the Frost Moon  
the art for this comic is very beautiful and elegantly done - reminds me alot of the artwork for the artist behind \"Phoenix Requiem\"
Comic: Jungle Fire 5/5
beautiful art
Comic: Cwen's Quest  
this comic is hilarious

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