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User Profile For Hawt Flash  
Comics By Hawt Flash: I need a towel!, The Adventures of Hawt Flash & Solara
Comments Posted: 1
Favourites: 1
Profile Images Posted: 3
Comic Synopses Posted: 3
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by Hawt Flash that are currently in use.

Comic: I need a towel!
Hawt Flash is finding it hard to join a real life superhero group.
Comic: The Adventures of Hawt Flash & Solara
The webcomic follows the adventures of Hawt Flash and Solara as these super women discover what happens when the hormonal changes come. Chris Jefferstein, aka Hawt Flash, is the first one to go through perimenopause. Jade, aka Solara, is Chris’ best friend and helps Chris figure out that the changes are giving her superpowers. The story is about friendship, menopause, superheroism and a lot more.
Comic: The Adventures of Hawt Flash & Solara
A perimenopausal superhero saves the day with her team of misfits.

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