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User Profile For iamgoogol  
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Comic Synopses Posted: 1
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by iamgoogol that are currently in use.

Comic: I am Googol
Googol is a lab subject created after an International agreement using nano technology.Thank to a chip implanted in her brain, she can communicate with the computers on board the space ship Ariana 1.
We send her on a long journey in space to discover new species and habitable planet for us. A one way mission for this immortal lab rat.

When coming back on planet Earth (without consent), Googol has more power than what was given to her in the laboratory. And she gave herself a new mission, save our planet from an invisible danger: intergalactic agents using teleportation and parallel universe to manipulate us one against each other.

But her return on planet earth bring a new immediate danger and a visible one for all: a first contact with aliens and a possible invasion of our planet; unless our governments agree to deliver her as their prisoner in exchange of new technologies for us and a special plant that will give us eternal life.

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