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User Profile For Robert Duncanson  
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Below is a list of comments made by Robert Duncanson, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Pibgorn  
To others who enjoy Pibgorn in its many forms,
Please clarify an image from Go Comics, Pibgorn Sketches for October 14, 2014.
When I was 15 I chanced on and gave an hour\'s study to Goya\'s Disasters of War. I was stunned and nauseated and the latter has always kicked in when I\'ve seen any image of an atrocity. In McEdowney\'s sketch I can only see what appears to be a brutal horror. This is unlike the artist but perhaps in keeping my trauma with Goya and how Rorschach tests work. I would be grateful to anyone who knows when the completed cell ran so I can see it and get back to seeing what I\'m sure is a tragedy or McEldowney\'s sensual take on Drusilla doing a pole dance but now appears a sickening deed of violence against women.

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