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User Profile For ibanez  
Comments Posted: 2
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Below is a list of comments made by ibanez, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Project2nd 1/5

WARNING: The author of this webcomic, loicklegacy (better known as Leoian), has been going through great, immature lengths to hide all TRUTHFUL criticism of this webcomic (it\\\'s awful and stolen).

He has been spamming massive spam walls of text in this comment section in an effort to hide everyone elses comments.

Scroll down until you find comments by people that are not loicklegacy. The universal consensus is avoid this webcomic.
Comic: Project2nd 1/5
The comments following this one are a giant spam text wall by the author in a childish attempt to hide the negative criticism for this comic (which is all of it).

I suggest reading from bottom up.

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