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User Profile For dannoscu  
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Comic Synopses Posted: 1
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by dannoscu that are currently in use.

Comic: The Mealstorm
Dan Scully writes, illustrates, and claims all responsibility for The Mealstorm.
When he’s not “Mealstorming”, you can usually find him doing things that make him look cool.
Such as:
1. Standing with his elbow on things. (Awwwwyyyyeeeeaaah)
2. Not pulling his pants up all the way. (Kids these days)
3. Kicking it “Street.” (In his opinion, the ONLY way to kick it)
4. Etc. (Exsseterah)
The Mealstorm is the webcomic that you’ve been weighting for. It is updated weekly in order to make your heart grow fawnder.
Feel free to share The Mealstorm with friends, family, and other people that you feel a desperate need to impress!
Just make sure you share it non-commercially (unless granted permission from Dan Scully) and be sure to tell them where you saw the comic! (AKA the first time you fell in love)

P.S. All misspellings on this page were done porpoisefully. (Except for that one) Dan Scully is actually a very well speller. Though he is far too humble to admit it.
In fact, he is so humble, he wrote this entire About page in the third person.

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