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User Profile For Deobils  
Comments Posted: 3
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Below is a list of comments made by Deobils, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Crimson Flag Comic 4/5
*forgot to rate, derp*
Comic: Crimson Flag Comic  
Very cool webcomic, a steady update schedule, a visible improvement in art style since its creation in 2008.

Crimson Flag has a pretty good lore built around its world, although perhaps things like races and factions could be explained a little better. The story is well-paced and intriguing, although not all the characters are interesting. Has some great potential, but has yet to realize that potential as a \"big\" comic yet.

Overall an engaging read.
Comic: Crimson Knight 2/5
Doesn\'t update often (once a month at most), has only gotten to Chapter 2, Page 1 since its creation in January 2012.

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