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User Profile For sulkingShadow  
Creator of FUDDA Comix (once upon a time called Deathworld)
Comics By sulkingShadow: FUDDA Comix
Comments Posted: 9
Favourites: 124
Profile Images Posted: 1
Comic Synopses Posted: 1
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Below is a list of comments made by sulkingShadow, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: FUDDA Comix  
well, I had to take a month\'s hiatus due to moving, but regularly scheduled updates have begun again!
Comic: FUDDA Comix  
Oct.2014 - rebranding of my comic has now begun! Long live FUDDA Comix!
Comic: FUDDA Comix  
Deathworld is now back with regularly updating strips appearing on a weekly basis. Why the lower frequency? Well, work and other projects are occupying greater amounts of my time, and sadly the stuff that makes me money gets priority.
Comic: FUDDA Comix  
well, due to time constraints and unspecified problems, i am reluctantly forced to reduce the update schedule to once a week, so new comics will be up on Mondays from now on.
Comic: FUDDA Comix  
Standard updates now being moved to Tuesdays and Fridays.
Comic: FUDDA Comix  
whooooo... nobody loves DW. where _is_ the love?
Comic: cornhead 3/5
hey cool. I remember this one from the Gateway. Awesome to know you're still creating comics.
Comic: FUDDA Comix  
Just so you folks know, Deathworld updates on Mondays and Thursdays (albeit a tad tardy at times), so it's still worth checking out on a regular basis.
Comic: FUDDA Comix 4/5
September 22, 2005 - today marks the 10th anniversary of Deathworld. It's been a long freaky rides, folks!

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