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User Profile For Tobey0TrueStory  
Comments Posted: 4
Favourites: 0
Profile Images Posted: 2
Comic Synopses Posted: 1
Below is a list of comments made by Tobey0TrueStory, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: One-Sided?  

Just an update. I sort of have a tour coming together. I\'ve posted the dates on my main website, but for now, I\'ll show you the dates that are pretty much set.

I\'m going on a Con tour! Gonna have a booth set up at as many of these that I\'m going to. Some of them I wont, due to cost and deadlines, but in order to sell and promote my web comic, One-Sided? and my novelette, Hoodwinked, I\'m getting out there where the fans are, and I\'m gonna have a whole lot of fun!

The first place on my tour is Mobicon! Mobile, AL. May 22 - 24.
The second place is the MS Comic Con, Jackson, MS. June 27 - 28.
The third place is Magic City Comic Con, Birmingham, AL. July 24 - 26. I won\'t have a booth at this one, but I\'m still going.
The fourth one is Pensacola Pars Con Comic Con. Pensacola, FL. August 8 - 9.
The fifth is AWA, Atlanta, GA. September 24 - 27. Don\'t suspect I\'ll have a booth at this one due to cost and deadlines.
The sixth is CONtraflow, New Orleans, LA. October 2 - 4. Don\'t know if I\'ll have a booth there yet.
And finally, Riverview Book Expo, Jackson, MS. November 14.

If anyone of you lives in these areas and are going to these con\'s, I hope to see you there! And, if you know about any other shows I might be able to attend along the way, let me know. Things can change.

P.S. Hopefully half way through the tour, I\'ll have my novella finished and will start selling copies at the con\'s! I\'ll definitely have it ready for the Riverview Book Expo.
Comic: One-Sided?  
Just another update! Nearly finished with the newest episode! Keep a look out for the rest of the day and tomorrow. I\'ll post it real soon!
Comic: One-Sided?  
So......what\'s the difference between mountain lava and sky lava?
Comic: One-Sided?  
Just letting you guys know I\'ve completed the latest episode, \"Rooster of this Chicken Coop\" and will upload it to the main site soon!

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