Below is a list of comments made by KaeMeDe, in date order (newest at the top).
Comic: Binary Moon |
Chapter 1 Review by KaeMeDe
I\'ve been following since the end of 2013, so my review is considering not just the story and art style, but how it\'s being evolving this past 2 or more years.
The art style, changes a lot, for better, in comparisson to the first few 4 or 5 pages, and it\'s something interesting to see that, by each page or ilustration, the style improve, fixing its defects, and improving on it unique differences.
The coloring, I have to say that, at first, I didn\'t like it, but, with the time, as I was following every now and then, it\'s something that, begin to grow on me, specially the colored lines ans the mix with the saturated colors, looks very good, after some pages.
Now the main, the story, there\'s pratially none, most of it is an action packed fight between the two protagonists and \"something\".
I kept waiting for some reason to appear but, trying not to spoil it, there simply isn\'t much being explained of why they were where they were and fight did the whole fight developed as it did.
But let\'s see how the chapter two will go, then I\'ll upload a new review.
The reason why I choosed 3 stars?
Art | Coloring | Action sequences: 5 stars
Story or backstory: 1 star
If the next cahpter improves the story, I\'ll make sure to up my opinion, but for now, this is what I think.
I do want to know more about them, but I don\'t know, if there is anything more to them, I\'ll have to wait and see what will be show on the next few pages and cahpters of Bynary Moon. |