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User Profile For thomaslmcdonell  
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Comic Synopses Posted: 1
Comic Synopses  
Below is a list of synopses created by thomaslmcdonell that are currently in use.

Comic: Sedna
You know that one quiet kid at school who sits in the library every lunch drawing something in a little sketchbook? Well that probably wasn’t me… statistically… but anyway for years I filled sketchbooks with millions of drawings, planning to one day create a webcomic that was funny, emotional, and spoke to the very essence of humanity.

Well, that didn’t really work out. So I made this instead.

This is a webcomic about a Japanese girl who loves space, to the point of neglecting all other parts of life… and her friend Dini, who tries to minimise the damage she does to society.

Also it will have dinosaurs (eventually).

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