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User Profile For drachefly  
Comments Posted: 1
Favourites: 73
Profile Images Posted: 1
Comic Synopses Posted: 4
Below is a list of comments made by drachefly, in date order (newest at the top).

Comic: Captain Snes 4/5
If you have a hard time caring about the main character because he's not made by a corporation, you need your head screwed on better. The main reason not to care about the main character is that he's the author avatar, and the author never freaking updates!

The plot is insanely intricate and subtle, which may be a turnoff to the less subtle tastes of readers of, say, Bob and George (which is a fine webcomic in its own way). This plot would take a long time to unfold even if the update schedule were regular and he stuck with the plot threads for a reasonably extended period instead of building them and then letting them dangle for years at a time. At this rate, I can't foresee the plot catching up to the point of the 'in medias res' jail scene for several years.

On the other hand, the webcomic list's favorites list is a great tool for mitigating the annoyance of an artist's irregular update habits, and when he DOES update, it's really worth checking it out.

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